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Incremental accessories


NUMERIK JENA encoders are tested and electronically adjusted under ideal mounting conditions prior to shipment. In addition, the sensor modules offer the option of electronic signal adjustment after installation in the application. The measuring system can thus be optimized with respect to the given mechanical environmental conditions (tolerances).

The ADJUSTMENT TOOL and associated EPIFLEX Pro software were developed to make signal adjustment as simple and effective as possible.

Order no.: 344220-33

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The ADJUSTMENT Tool at a glance

Automatic signal adjustment (optimization) and programming
Display of the sinusoidal counting signals with amplitude, offset and phase position
Enables assessment of the mechanical mounting conditions
Display and adjustment of the reference pulse
Supported operating systems
Windows 11 (64 bit)
Windows 10 (32 and 64 bit)
Windows 8 (32 and 64 bit)
Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit)
.NET Framework 4.0
Fits the following products
LIK series
Kit L series
LIA series
Kit R4
Scope of delivery
Adapter cable (type A to mini-USB type B; 1.8 m)
Diagnostic cable for connecting the measuring system (1.5 m)
USB power cable (adapter USB type A; 1.7 m)
8-pin plug connectors


To adjust a LIKgo or LIKselect measuring system (with D-sub connecting element), it is connected to the ADJUSTMENT Tool using the EPIFLEX adapter.

Scope of delivery

  • EPIFLEX Adapter
  • Cable (mini-DIN to USB 3.0 micro-B; 0.1 m)
  • Adapter cable (type A to mini-USB type B; 1.8 m)

Order no.: 344220-50

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Included in the set

  • Two adapter cables (type A to mini-USB type B; 1.8 m)
  • Diagnostic cable for connecting the measuring system
  • USB power cable (adapter USB type A; 1.7 m)
  • 8-pin plug connectors
  • Cable (mini-DIN to USB 3.0 micro-B; 0.1 m)

Order no.: 344220-90

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Adapter-Set LIKS1

Measuring systems of the LIKselect series which are shipped without D-sub connecting elements require the LIKS1 adapter set for connection to the ADJUSTMENT TOOL. An analog version (for 1 Vpp) and a digital version (for TTL) are available to match the measuring system.

Order no. for analog: 344220-51

Order no. for digital: 344220-52


Mounting aid for LIKgo scale tapes

Using the mounting aid, MI5x scale tapes can be mounted perfectly aligned and in continuous precision to the LIKgo incremental exposed linear encoder.

Order no.: 344215-09

RA adapter

The RA adapter is a mounting adapter that makes it possible to substitute the product of a market competitor without needing to modify the construction. 

Order no.: 344215-08

Numerik PWT Adapter

The NPA (Numerik PWT Adapter) is an accessory article for connecting linear incremental encoders of the latest NUMERIK JENA product generation to the PWT 101, an inspection device from Dr. JOHANNES HEIDENHAIN GmbH for function control as well as adjustment of encoders.

For encoders with pin layout according to the NUMERIK JENA standard, the NPA pin layout adapter must be used.

In combination with the NUMERIK JENA software module (available free of charge), the adapter makes it possible to use the range of functions of the PWT 101 also in conjunction with the LIKgo and LIKselect.

Order no.: 1312188-01

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